Hansen Magwilu


Hansen Magwilu


+254 (0) 114 904 271

Hansen is an Advocate of the High Court with an LLB Degree from the Mount Kenya University and a Post Graduate Diploma from the Kenya School of Law. He is also a Certified Professional Mediator from Mediation Training Institute -International (EA). Currently, he is pursuing a master’s degree of Law (LLM) in International Relations and Diplomacy at Kenyatta University with a bias in Regional Immigration Policies and International Political Economy.

Hansen previous plied his trade in legal practice at the premier Firm of Ashitiva Advocates LLP apart from practicing law, Hansen is a business mogul who boasts of being the founder of Stingerz Rugby Club which is an affiliate of the Kenya Rugby Union where he loves spending his weekends tackling the game with his teammates and opponents.

This man is extremely sharp and smart. He is a walking encyclopedia and understands everything about the Law. We call him the “Professor”.
